We installing hydraulic systems for industry and pipe connections for hydraulic processes.

In the area of lubrication systems, we cooperate with the company DIMAS d.o.o., a representative of WILLY VOGEL - the global manufacturer of central lubrication systems for machines and plants - as well as with the Finnish company SAFEMATIC, another specialist in lubrication systems. Both companies were taken over by the Swedish company SKF and form today one of the five SKF platforms: "Lubrication Systems".

DIMAS, d.o.o. focuses on the design and optimal technical solutions in the area of lubrication systems for various production and processing machines, transport lines, chains, steel cables, construction and agricultural machinery, marine engines, and other equipment. The company also develops and manufactures central lubrication units, provides and controls the assembly of systems, programmes and installs controlling and monitoring systems, as well as performs the installation of turnkey lubrication systems and offers initial start-up support.

Satisfied Clients

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